Fire Chief Retirement Party - Debbie Campbell


I work a lot with Caprice and Enchanted Florist in the Nashville wedding industry so when she contacted me to photograph Debbie's retirement party at Riverwood Mansion, I was more than happy to do it. Debbie was retiring from her job as a District Chief of the Nashville Fire Department. She served for 32 years. It was also her birthday and the anniversary of her father retiring as chief. Debbie is LOVED. The line to hug and congratulate her never stopped. Members of the Nashville Fire Department that worked with Debbie sang her praises and showed up straight from work. The main reason that I was invited was to capture the moment that Debbie was given her surprise gift, a custom Gibson Les Paul. A few years ago she and her crew had extinguished a fire at the Gibson building that could have been devastating and Gibson wanted to thank her for that.

Not only is Debbie the first and only female Fire Chief in Nashville, she is such a lovely person. I walked away from this event wanting to be the kind of person that Debbie is. Someone that has affected others lives so greatly that they come in droves to celebrate her and wait just to give her a hug. Congratulations Debbie and good luck with your new endeavor, Enchanted Homes

Location - Riverwood Mansion
Florals - Enchanted Florist
Catering - 8 Lavender Lane Catering