Autumn Family Cedarwood Wedding - Susan & Matthew


Susan and Matthew are adorable together and I so enjoyed working with them. When two of the kindest and goofiest people meet and fall in love, there is something special there. These two just get each other. Their wedding day other than being kind of chilly, was beautiful. During their ceremony right as the musicians where playing “Here Comes the Sun”, the sun finally broke through the clouds and all of their guests cheered. Their whole wedding party consisted of only their family and the day was filled with lots of happy tears and laughing. Please enjoy their Autumn Family Cedarwood Wedding Sneak Peek.

Special Thanks To:
Venue: Cedarwood
Planning & Design: Cedarwood
Florals: Cedarwood
Rentals: Liberty Party Rental
Hair & Makeup: One10Beauty
Catering: Chef Christopher
Invitations: Designs in Paper
Cake: Patty Cakes