An Arrington Vineyard Proposal - Katie & Jose
Early one morning last year I got a call from Angela Proffitt asking if I was available to photograph a proposal at Arrington Vineyards that evening. Jose was going to propose to Katie and he wanted someone to capture it. Proposals are tricky because you can’t be seen and it’s really hard to disguise yourself when you have a huge lens and all of your gear hanging off of you. Well Katie had no clue. In fact, she was somewhat disappointed because she thought that this beautiful picnic would have been the perfect moment for Jose to pop the question and she didn’t think he was going to. Little did she know that he was going to do exactly that. Jose acted like they were packing up and then dropped to one knee and asked Katie to be his wife. Katie and Jose, I cannot believe that you guys are getting married in a little over a week! It's almost here!!